Hi! I am Natasha. I started practising yoga after I went travelling to India. It was wonderful to see how so many people were sitting together to start..
This inspired me to practise it, not only for my well being but also to let others know, that there is a way to take care of one’s body..outside the gym and in the open..
My passion for learning yoga did not stop with me. On 14th August, 20XX I started my own peactise..and it has been lovely..I love the fact that this has brought me closer to an awesome bunch of people…
Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis
ligula lacinia aliquet.
会長 | 石濱英暢 |
副会長 | 岡本俊之 |
宮武幸則 | |
理事長 | 岡本俊之 |
理事 | 美濃丈二 |
井下良雄 | |
安西修一 | |
真鍋雅司 | |
下津善久 | |
吉田勝洋 | |
栁 直宏 | |
渡邊嘉貴 | |
三宅 亮 | |
山﨑浩二 | |
監事 | 市原 武 |
野崎敬三 |
特別顧問 | 北條一弘 |
三木健二 | |
顧問 | 竹下和人 |
安徳和士 | |
伊藤保憲 | |
三宅和正 | |
山本正則 | |
藤澤良樹 | |
河合義夫 | |
白石紘一郎 | |
福浦征紀 |